If you have multiple .root files containing ntuples and wish to merge them into one file. The structure of each file should be identical, for instance. For example, you have 3 files: file_0.root, file_1.root, and file_2.root.
To merge these files, use the hadd command (found in $ROOTSYS/bin):
$ hadd result.root file_0.root file_1.root file_2.root
If you have large number of rootfiles, then can be merged like:
hadd result.root file_{0..2}.root
To merge these files, use the hadd command (found in $ROOTSYS/bin):
$ hadd result.root file_0.root file_1.root file_2.root
If you have large number of rootfiles, then can be merged like:
hadd result.root file_{0..2}.root